Our Easysearch total has now reached £35.99! That's almost enough to feed one young person for a month. Easysearch is a highly effective way to support The Colour of Hope at absolutely no cost to you! See Sept 27th entry for more details.
Monday, 21 January 2008
Easysearch Total Update
Thursday, 17 January 2008
Monday, 14 January 2008
Equipment & Furniture Donations Still Needed
But we're still in need of some other equipment and furniture for our training centre. If you live in Lima and have any bits of furniture or electronic equipment you no longer use or want, please pass them on to us. Any donations will be greatly appreciated. We still need the following items in particular:
* Tables (mesas y escritorios)
* Chairs (sillas)
* Whiteboard (pizarra acrílica)
* Filing cabinets (cajones)
* Files, folders & ring binders (folders)
* Sofa and armchair set (juego de muebles)
* Computer (computadora) (the one we now have is great, but the more the merrier!)
* Printer (impresora)
* Projector (retro proyector)
* Flip Chart (rota folios)
* Books/workbooks (cuadernos)
* Pens (lapiceros)
* Blankets (frazadas)
* Sheets (sabanas)
* Pillows (almohadas)
* Beds (colchones y tarimas)
* Clothes for young people (ropa para jóvenes)
If you can help out or would like more information, please email Amy New (director) at a.new_ceaapris@yahoo.com or call 90336722
WebSpanish December Donation
Easysearch Total Update
Our Easysearch total has now reached £34.61! That covers a month and a half's accommodation rent for one young person. Easysearch is a highly effective way to support The Colour of Hope at absolutely no cost to you! See Sept 27th entry for more details.
Sunday, 13 January 2008
MIT D-Lab Teach Charcoal Technology in Peru
Wednesday, 9 January 2008
Donation from REAP South Missionary Organisation
We've handed out at least 11 blankets so far to single mothers and women living in conditions of extreme poverty all across Lima. Natali, one of our project participants, took a couple for her young son and some for her sister and sister in law who also have little toddlers. They all live in a shanty town called Canto Grande in the district of San Juan de Lurigancho. Another couple went to a lady in Villa El Salvador, another extremely poor area of Lima, and another is going to a young girl in Manchay, a shanty town in southern Lima.
We only have a few left now, but if anyone knows of someone in Lima who would need a blanket please let us know. There were all kinds of sizes, colours and patterns, but the ones we have left are mainly for toddlers, although I think there are a couple of tiny ones still. If we don't find anyone else to give the blankets to, I will take them to Reina de la Paz, a refuge for young single mothers in Salamanca.
Thank you very much REAP South!
Friday, 4 January 2008
Furniture and Equipment Donations Needed
We're desperately in need of furniture and equipment for our new training centre. If you live in Lima and have any bits of furniture or electronic equipment you no longer use or want, please pass them on to us. Any donations will be greatly appreciated. We need the following items in particular:
* Tables (mesas y escritorios)
* Chairs (sillas)
* Whiteboard (pizarra acrílica)
* Filing cabinets (cajones)
* Files, folders & ring binders (folders)
* Sofa and armchair set (juego de muebles)
* Computer (computadora)
* Printer (impresora)
* Projector (retro proyector)
* Flip Chart (rota folios)
* Books/workbooks (cuadernos)
* Pens (lapiceros)
* Blankets (frazadas)
* Sheets (sabanas)
* Pillows (almohadas)
* Beds (colchones y tarimas)
* Clothes for young people (ropa para jóvenes)
If you can help out or would like more information, please email me at a.new_ceaapris@yahoo.com
Thank you very much for your support