Friday, 29 February 2008

3-year-old Luís makes a full recovery thanks to sponsors

Natali and Hugo, two of The Colour of Hope’s project participants, have a little 3-year-old called Luís. A few weeks ago, Luís became extremely ill after accidentally drinking bleach at his nursery.

Natali and Hugo rushed him into hospital and thankfully he recovered after a few days. However, he was very weak afterwards and had lost a lot of weight. On top of the effects of the bleach, the doctors found that he was anaemic and suffering from malnutrition. They said that he would need a whole cocktail of different medicines and vitamins to help him recover from the bleach, as well as a special diet to combat the anaemia and malnutrition.

Hugo and Natali have done everything to care for Luís since he was born, often going without food themselves in order to make sure he doesn’t go hungry. However, the only work open to them (
busking and begging on buses, morning to night, day in day out) simply didn’t bring in what they needed.

Their situation has greatly improved now that Natali has begun her placement with Wall Luxury Fibre Clothing Company, and will continue to improve further once Hugo gets his grocery store up and running. However, 3 years without the protein, vitamins and minerals Luís needs have taken their toll, and he will require constant medical care over the next few months to monitor his progress.

Even with Natali’s wages from Wall, the expenses that the medicines, diet and medical care will incur are far beyond their reach. So Hugo and Natali’s sponsors, Jess
and Rose from Ottery St. Mary, have kindly dedicated part of their sponsorship funds to covering Luís’s expenses. This will ensure he receives all the support and medical attention he needs, hopefully meaning that his health will see some steady improvements over the next few months.

Monday, 25 February 2008

Easysearch & Easyfundraising Updates

Our Easyfundraising total has now reached £83.71! That's enough for 4 and a half months of accommodation for one young person!

Support The Colour of Hope by shopping online with Easyfundraising. It doesn't cost you anything extra to shop and raise funds in this way and there are hundreds of retailers participating. See Sept 27th entry for more details.

£43.67 of this Easyfundraising total is thanks to all those who have been searching the internet with charity search engine, Easysearch. Like Easyfundraising, Easysearch is a highly effective way to support The Colour of Hope at absolutely no cost to you! See Sept 27th entry for more details.

Plus, a brand new version of Easysearch is about to be released! It will combine the search results from several major search engines, such as Yahoo!, MSN Live Search,, MIVA and many more, which means you'll find what you're looking for quickly and easily every time. More info coming soon.

Friday, 15 February 2008

The Colour of Hope Donations

Here are just a few of the pieces of furniture and equipment that have been donated to The Colour of Hope over the last couple of months. Thank you very much to Karie, Mutz, Jason and REAP South who helped us with these items.

We still need a few more bits and pieces, so please get in touch if you can help out or know someone who can. We’re grateful for all donations, but we particularly need the following items –

* Files, folders & ring binders (folders)

* Books/workbooks (cuadernos)

* Pens, pencils etc. (lapiceros, lápices etc.)

* Computer (computadora) (the one we now have is great, but the more the merrier!)

* Printer (impresora)

* Projector (retro/multi proyector)

* Beds & bedding (colchones, tarimas,
frazadas, sabanas, almohadas etc.)
* Clothes for young people (ropa pa
ra jóvenes)
* Kitchen appliances & utensils (electrodomésticos
, loza, vajilla etc.)
* Any items that would be useful for the young people
who set up small businesses, for example electrical equipment, counters, shelving, tills etc.

Please email Amy New (Director) at or call 90336722. Thank you very much for your support.

The Colo
ur of Hope Team

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

New Group of Project Participants

This week, The Colour of Hope is starting training with a new group of project participants: Angelica, Bilela, Abraham and Bryan. These young people are from different areas of Lima, different backgrounds and walks of life and each has different hopes and dreams for the future.

The training we provide them and the support they receiv
e from their sponsors will help them to become financially self-sufficient and more emotionally stable, meaning that those hopes and dreams might one day become a reality.

Monday we had a small get-together for the new group members, as well as for the current project participants, so that everyone could get to know each other before the training begins. Training will begin properly on Thursday.

Many thanks to this
new group’s sponsors for all their support. More news on the group’s progress coming soon.

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Easyfundraising Total Update February

Easyfundraising total has now reached £73.16! That's enough for 6 months transport costs and a whole year's toiletries for one young person! And it's all from shopping online!

Support The Colour of Hope by shopping online with Easyfundraising. It doesn't cost you anything extra to shop and raise funds in this way and there are hundreds of retailers participating. See Sept 27th entry for more details.

Easysearch Total Update February

Our Easysearch total has now reached £39.59! That's enough to feed one young person for over a month. Easysearch is a highly effective way to support The Colour of Hope at absolutely no cost to you! See Sept 27th entry for more details.

Friday, 1 February 2008

Natali receives her first Pay Cheque from Wall!

Natali, one of the young people The Colour of Hope is sponsoring, has just received her first pay cheque from Wall Luxury Fibre Clothing Company! She has completed this first month of her placement with a glowing report from Wall providers here in Lima. They have confirmed that she is putting 100% effort into her work and responding very well to the training programme so far.

Natali's partner, Hugo, has also been working hard this month and is well on the way to learning how to set up a small business. He hopes to start a corner shop with the help of The Colour of Hope.

Well done Natali and Hugo, and a big thank you to their sponsors, Jess and Rose from Ottery St Mary.

Furniture & Equipment Donations

Karie from the USA kindly donated some shelving and a chest of drawers to The Colour of Hope yesterday. There are some other items coming at the end of February, such as beds, chairs, sofas and a table. All these things will be of great help both for the training centre and for furnishing the young people's accommodation. Thank you for your support Karie!

If you live in Lima and have any bits of furniture or electronic equipment you no longer use or want, please pass them on to us. Any donations will be greatly appreciated. We still need the following items in particular:

* Whiteboard (pizarra acrílica)
* Files, folders & ring binders (folders)
* Computer (computadora) (the one we now have is great, but the more the merrier!)
* Printer (impresora)
* Projector (retro/multi proyector)
* Flip Chart (rota folios)
* Books/workbooks (cuadernos)
* Pens (lapiceros)
* Blankets (frazadas)
* Sheets (sabanas)
* Pillows (almohadas)
* Beds (colchones y tarimas)
* Clothes for young people (ropa para jóvenes)

If you can help out or would like more information, please email Amy New (director) at or call 90336722

Thank you very much for your support.