Friday, 15 February 2008

The Colour of Hope Donations

Here are just a few of the pieces of furniture and equipment that have been donated to The Colour of Hope over the last couple of months. Thank you very much to Karie, Mutz, Jason and REAP South who helped us with these items.

We still need a few more bits and pieces, so please get in touch if you can help out or know someone who can. We’re grateful for all donations, but we particularly need the following items –

* Files, folders & ring binders (folders)

* Books/workbooks (cuadernos)

* Pens, pencils etc. (lapiceros, lápices etc.)

* Computer (computadora) (the one we now have is great, but the more the merrier!)

* Printer (impresora)

* Projector (retro/multi proyector)

* Beds & bedding (colchones, tarimas,
frazadas, sabanas, almohadas etc.)
* Clothes for young people (ropa pa
ra jóvenes)
* Kitchen appliances & utensils (electrodomésticos
, loza, vajilla etc.)
* Any items that would be useful for the young people
who set up small businesses, for example electrical equipment, counters, shelving, tills etc.

Please email Amy New (Director) at or call 90336722. Thank you very much for your support.

The Colo
ur of Hope Team

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