Friday 1 February 2008

Furniture & Equipment Donations

Karie from the USA kindly donated some shelving and a chest of drawers to The Colour of Hope yesterday. There are some other items coming at the end of February, such as beds, chairs, sofas and a table. All these things will be of great help both for the training centre and for furnishing the young people's accommodation. Thank you for your support Karie!

If you live in Lima and have any bits of furniture or electronic equipment you no longer use or want, please pass them on to us. Any donations will be greatly appreciated. We still need the following items in particular:

* Whiteboard (pizarra acrílica)
* Files, folders & ring binders (folders)
* Computer (computadora) (the one we now have is great, but the more the merrier!)
* Printer (impresora)
* Projector (retro/multi proyector)
* Flip Chart (rota folios)
* Books/workbooks (cuadernos)
* Pens (lapiceros)
* Blankets (frazadas)
* Sheets (sabanas)
* Pillows (almohadas)
* Beds (colchones y tarimas)
* Clothes for young people (ropa para jóvenes)

If you can help out or would like more information, please email Amy New (director) at or call 90336722

Thank you very much for your support.

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